Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Face Is Still Red

I had the most embarrassing moment of my whole entire life this week. I learned two lessons out of my humiliation in the process.

Allow me to share.

(Certain names have been changed to protect the innocent.)

One of the kids I babysit for is usually picked up by his mother, who pays me each time she leaves. Lately, however, his father has been the one to pick him up, and he has not remembered or thought to pay.

I have made comments to Van about the fact that the dad must think the mom is paying me and the mom must think the dad is paying me and neither one will probably ever realize I am not being paid.

Well, the last time the dad came to pick up the boy, my daughter said, "Mom, is it okay if I say this?"

That should have just been my first clue.

"Well, Allika, I don't know what you're going to say, so I can't tell you."

"But, Mom. Is it okay?"

"Is it something I've told you not to say?"


"Okay, just hurry up and say it."

(The dad was trying to leave and Allika was keeping him there to tell him this comment in question.)

The next ten seconds are ones that I wish I could erase from existence for all time. It happened in slow motion and I stood there wanting to scream and stop her from saying what she said, but it was too late. I couldn't.

Here are those words that shall forever live in infamy:

"My mom keeps on saying that you always bring Joe over, but you never pay her."

I wish I could have stuffed those words right back in her mouth. I stood there, horrified, wishing I could disappear. I didn't know what to say, because what she said was partially true, but I had been misrepresented and misquoted.

So, here are the lessons I learned from this little humiliating event:

1.) If my daughter asks me if it's okay to say something of which I am not aware, the answer is a resounding "NO!"

2.) Do not discuss anything around my daughter that I do not want her to repeat to others.

The thing about it is, the very same day, she walked into the Doctor's office and announced to the receptionist and everyone in the waiting room that her mom was going to cut up all the credit cards, and she was very upset about it because she wanted to keep them for herself.

That wasn't even close to the kind of humiliation the other episode provided me, though.

This makes me wonder what great little tidbits of information regarding our family life she has shared with her Sunday School teachers, doctors, babysitters, etc.

I can't say I was never warned about this stage.


  1. Sooo... I'm waiting for the rest of the story... ( : How did the father react? Did you get paid? They must have had a good laugh at their house that evening! I agree with you - QUITE embarrassing!!!!

  2. woulddn't be nice not to have to be humiliated to learn those lessons?


  3. Well, we all chuckled awkwardly and mumbled apologies and kept mumbling apologies and he said we would have to talk to his wife about payment because she was the one in charge of that, and we mumbled more apologies and chuckled awkwardly some more.

    After he left, we informed Allika that we don't discuss money issues outside the family because it is a private matter. That includes credit cards, how much we paid for something, asking people for money, etc.

    They tried to pay me later, but I protested and said I couldn't possibly take it after what Allika said. They insisted. I protested. They said they wouldn't bring him over anymore if I didn't let them pay me. We compromised on half.

    The end.

  4. one of my favorite allika stories!

